4:4 mt

...My body has been walking for hours devoid of thoughts, I wandered throughout the city all through the night, when I looked at my watch it was flashing 4:04. I looked around, I was in a small dark alley, the smell was musty and the air was cold. My feet had been here before, but my eyes had not.
Thoughts began coming back to my empty mind, thoughts that are saying that I have an empty stomach. I looked back and saw the neon glow of a 24 hours sign of a fastfood chain, I went through my pockets and produce enough money for a hamburger and a coke. As I was set to move towards the store, I felt someone tugged on my shirt. I turned around and saw a young child clothed in rags, face darkened by dust and grease, and wearing not a pair of decent slippers. He was pushing along a broken down cart, made up of whatever he was able to pick up on the street. The cart doubles as his house. What caught my eye is an old tattered church banner that serves as his roof on the occasional rain that this unfriendly city have.
“…Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”
I looked at my money, I looked at the store and I looked at the child...